Monday 5 March 2012

Shaved beavers - A message to James.

It's been a busy weekend in Cumming-on-Flange. The beavers have been infested so had to be seen to! Though how I fitted that in amongst all my other hobbies I don't know!!

Good morning James.

Wow! So many questions lol! You really do want to get to know me inside and out don't you? I shall have a go at answering them all now!

Food - I love alsorts of food James. My favourite has to be Chineese too! Isn't that great? Maybe when we finally meet, we could go for a chineese meal. Would youlike that James? I too like vegetables so that is something else we have in common.

What are my interests? Well as you already know, I am the secretary of the Flange Beaver Society. This takes up a fair amount of my time but it is more than worth the effort. Beavers are so important in Flange and we must do everything we can to make sure they are happy and have a safe environment to live and breed in. Consequently, I spend a lot of time thing about beavers. I just love their soft, warm furriness, even when they are a bit damp! We had a bit of a crisis over the weekend though James. It came to our attention that there was some kind of flea or tic infestation amongst a medium sized colony of beavers that nest near the Flange tributary at Little Muff. As you can imagine, this is a serious matter as infestations such as these quickly spread and become rife. We called upon the members of the society and others in the village to come and help. We captured as many of the beavers as we could and housed them in several sheds in my back garden. We then had no option but to shave all the beavers. A tad drastic you may think, but believe me James, there was no other option. As long as the beavers are fully shaved, the tics have nowhere to hide and keep warm so they die. Anyway, we all set to it and got those beavers shaved. It was quite funny as lots of our male members said they much preffered a shaved beaver though I can't see the attraction myself! Nature gave them fur so in my eyes, they look much better au naturelle!! We finally finished shaving them all by 8:30pm. It was a long and hard job but at least we know we have done all we can to stop the beavers getting itchy and infected. I mean, who wants an itchy beaver eh?

As well as the beavers I do like to do a bit of performing. Twice a month I am one of the leading attractions at our local Burlesque Club. You may be mistaken in thinking that all burlesque performers have to be young, skinny little things. Oh no!  I have a real hard core following who love nothing better that watching me shake my tassels! My stage name is Gaye the Glorious and some of the regulars have even had t-shirts made with my name and picture on them!! One couple who come every month, Kristian and David have matching t-shirts that say "We love a bit of Gaye" on them! Lovely couple they are but I do wish that David would stop putting in requests for me to dance to 'The Red Flag'. It's just not got the right tempo if you ask me.

I also do the usual stuff, reading, taphophilia, listening to music, knitting, gardening, rock climbing, sewing, abseiling, roller blading, seances, train spotting and even occasionally a bit of drawing. What kind of things do you like to do James?

As you know, I am also a psychic so spend quite a lot of time at our local church. My spirit guide Eatshi Tandie will often give me messages for individuals in the congregation that I am more than happy to pass on to them. I am so blessed to have been given the gift of communicating with those who have passed over into the next life. Is there anyone you would like me to contact for you James? If so, please do not hesitate to ask.

You ask what I want to explore with a man? I want to explore everything James. You may find this hard to believe but I am actually still a virgin! I hope you aren't too shocked at this frank confession. I know I was married once but we had 'complications' within our relationship. I shall explain all this to you in a further email at another time as it is linked in with my former husbands death and is quite hard for me to talk about. I do hope you will be kind and patient with me when our time comes as I would hate for anything to go wrong again.

Right my dearest, I have to go now as I have a very busy day. Don't work too hard and keep smiling!!

Much love

Gaye xxxx

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