Thursday 1 March 2012

Are you a transvestite? - A message to James.

So James/Jenny, are you a transvestite? I jolly well hope so!!

Hello James/Jenny

I have a question to ask you. For some reason, you signed your last email to me, 'Regards Jenny.' Why did you do this?

I shall be direct and to the point here James. Are you a transvestte or a cross dresser? Please be honest with me about this as honesty in a relationship is of the utmost importance.

James/Jenny, I have a confession for you. I love men who dress in womens clothing! To me, transvestites and cross dressers are wonderful human beings with the strength of spirit and character to be who they really want to be. So, if you are indeed a transvestite or a cross dresser, I will be more than happy to embrace that side of you. In fact, I  will positively encourage it!  We could have the very best relationship ever. You could be my boyfriend and my best girlfriend all in one wonderful package (but don't tell Emily or she will get jealous!)

Imagine the shopping trips we could have, both of us trying on dresses and matching cardigans, pleated skirts and polo necks. Oh James/Jenny, I am so excited about this!! I can help do your hair and apply your make up. It would be simply wonderful. We could be 'ladies what lunch', out on the town in Knightsbridge, flirting with the business men and having a good giggle. Oh James/Jenny I think I may just have fallen a little bit in love with you!

Please reply to me as soon as you can my darling.

All my love

Gaye xxxxxx

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