Monday 27 February 2012

Past lives - A message to James.

So, James wants to know about my past life, well he can know about them all!!

Hello again James

It was lovely to hear from you again. I am glad I didn't upset or distress with with the message that was coming through from the young girl and her mother. I am so sorry to hear they all lost their lives in a car crash. That must have been  truely devastating for you. Can I ask what happened?

Now to answer your questions James. Yes, I live alone except for my 5 pet rats, Mort, Doreen, Twanky, Barbara and Lainy. Do you like rats James? I see them almost as my children, I love them so much. As I said before, I too am widowed. This is something I find pretty difficult to talk about but I will tell you about it given time. I have no man in my life James, I am all alone. I do however have lots of amazing friends who keep me company and look out for me.

You asked about my past life. It's funny that you should ask that as recently I have undergone a series of sessions of regression therapy. Do you ever feel like you have lived on this earth before James? I have always had the feeling that I have lived before including having strange dreams and flashbacks to events I was unsure about but seemed familiar. A few weeks ago I decided to do something about this and sought the help of an expert in the field, Dame Kerry Dill - Doe.  Dame Dill - Doe explained the process which involved putting me into a lightly hypnotic state and regressing me backwards through my existence.

Well James. so many hidden memories came flooding back. The first one was of me in a large and luxurious house where I was kept hidden away in just 2 rooms. I was never allowed out, kept hidden away from visitors and only allowed to be in contact with the staff of the house assigned to look after me. This is because I was the illegitimate child of Kind William IV and one of her servants, a young girl called Emily. I was regressed further and memories came back of being a mother of 6 children who all died of the plague in 1665. The emotion I felt as I remembered not being able to bury my children as their bodies had to be burnt becasue of the plague was harrowing. No mother should ever have to experience that. The final regression saw me as a country Gentleman of some wealth in the year 1426.  Sadly I died of the 'pox' from having sex with too many loose women. It was so interesting being able to make sense of these dreams and memories. So James, that is my past life in a nutshell! Have you ever been regressed at all? I would recommend it to anyone!

Right, I must go as tonight is the AGM of the Flange Beaver Society and I have to be there to take notes and make sure all is done in accordance with the rules. Old Mr Womble-Dung and Mrs Doyle often come to blows about the best way to groom a beaver so I have to step in and keep order lol!

Have a pleasant evening James and chat soon!

Gaye xxxxx

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